There are several options for the future of this non-profit organisation. We are currently at a crossroads and are in discussion with several large organisations to see whether they might help us to find our feet.
Essentially there are two options: Make ADN into a union or affiliate ADN with an existing union or similar organisation. It has been suggested in the past that we should become a charity, however we (the core team) feel that becoming a charity would limit our ability to lobby (and take other action) on behalf of dental nurses.
In order to become a union in our own right, we would need a source of funding. There are lots of options for funding including but not limited to: membership fees, advertising (ethical products/services only), accepting donations. We have not decided how we want to be funded yet, we would love to hear from you about what you think about funding ADN.
In order to affiliate ADN with another organisation like, ‘Unite the Union,’ for example, we not only need to make sure that their morals and practises line up with ours, but we have to make sure that it is the best way to help dental nurses in the UK. Please let us know what you think about this in the comments section of this post. We would love to hear any ideas that you have!
Whatever the future of ADN holds, our members can be certain that we will do our very best to help dental nurses across he UK.
The best way you can help us is to join the conversation, contribute ideas, report your own problems and spread the word of this organisation to your colleagues.